Studying in the BCGS
The BCGS offers three distinct two-year MSc programs at two locations. The MSc programs consist of a course phase and a research phase, each taking roughly one year. The MSc phase is followed by a PhD phase. Beyond the regular coursework, our students benefit from a lively scientific environment and can participate in Intensive Weeks and the student-run BCGS weekend, take up research internships, and many things besides. For details, please see MSc studies and PhD studies.
The two physics departments offer a series of advanced lecture courses. BCGS students can take courses at both universities, credits are transferable.
BCGS events are in general open to all physics and astronomy MSc and PhD students from Bonn and Cologne.
Special teaching events
Research internships
You can spend some of the time during semester breaks on a lab rotation in a research group of your choice. This helps to choose an MSc project and can also be credited.
Participation in at least one research internship is recommended for all our MSc students and mandatory for stipend holders.
Intensive weeks
During the semester breaks, the BCGS runs topical courses of one week's duration, with lectures, guest speakers and laboratory sessions. These intensive weeks are an excellent opportunity to learn in depth about current research before committing to a topic for a thesis.
BCGS weekend
This event takes places every year in a castle near Bonn and is entirely organised and run by students. Students give lectures for students on their research, faculty members give talks on current scientific affairs, former BCGS students come by and talk about their lives in academia or industry after graduating.
Scientific integrity
Of course, all our members are committed to good scientific practice. Our scientific integrity course is designed to sharpen the focus on this in the daily lives of our doctoral stundents and provide a guide for implementation.
BCGS Poster Session
The BCGS Poster Session is held once per year, alternating between the University of Cologne and Bonn University.
MSc and PhD students can present their research in form of a poster and discuss it with fellow students, professors and interested persons.
Science Meets Business
The aim of this series is to give our students an insight into the career paths of established professionals from science to business.
BCGS Honors Certificate
The BCGS offers a BCGS Honors Certificate for the best students after finishing their MSc in Physics or Astrophysics at the University of Bonn or Cologne. The BCGS Honors Certificate can be earned by any student and is independent of the BCGS Scholarship Program.
General information
Detailed information about the available courses, procedures and regulations can be found on the Bonn and Cologne physics department homepages.
Studying in Bonn

Detailed information about studying in Bonn can be found on the department homepage. This page also contains links to the examinations office and the regulations and procedures to follow.
Studying in Cologne

Detailed information about studying in Cologne can be found on the department homepage. This page also contains links to the examinations office and the regulations and procedures to follow.