PhD program Bonn and Cologne
If you wish to apply for a PhD please use the link for more information:
How does it work?
Early on in the PhD, a thesis advisory committee (TAC) is formed from faculty members of both universities to provide mentoring and give advice. During the first two years of PhD studies, students are encouraged to attend further advanced classes on special topics. We expect our students to actively participate in at least one of our poster sessions. One course in scientific integrity is mandatory.
Our students also have the opportunity to attend national or international research schools and, in the later stages of their work, workshops and conferences.
The research done is documented in a PhD thesis, which is refereed by at least two faculty members. Together with an oral disputation, this constitutes the formal requirement for obtaining a PhD.
TAC - Thesis Advisory Committee
Our doctoral students are supervised by a Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC). The members of the TAC are responsible for the individual scientific supervision of the doctoral students in addition to the supervisor of the thesis.
TAC Meetings
The TAC meetings serve to follow and discuss scientific progress. In addition, the TAC members offer advice for the development of the dissertation project.
At least one meeting is mandatory for all our doctoral students, more are highly recommended.
Poster Sessions
The BCGS poster sessions are an integral part of our academic calendar. Here, doctoral students and advanced Master's students have the opportunity to present their research to each other and to look beyond the confines of their own field.
Scientific integrity
Of course, all our members are committed to good scientific practice. Our scientific integrity course is designed to sharpen the focus on this in the daily lives of our doctoral stundents and provide a guide for implementation.