Universität Bonn

Universität Köln

Graduate school

Bonn-Cologne Graduate School
of Physics and Astronomy

The Bonn-Cologne Graduate School of Physics and Astronomy opens the opportunity for a 5-year integrated program spanning the two years of MSc studies and three years for the PhD.
During the second year of M. Sc. studies, students need to pro-actively approach their preferred professor(s) in Bonn or Cologne University for a PhD position directly following the M. Sc. phase. Students already holding an M. Sc. or equivalent may enter directly into the PhD program. The BCGS office neither offers nor mediates PhD positions.
See 'Applying - Applying for PhD in Bonn or Cologne' for more details.

All BCGS events and opportunities such as travel grants are open to all physics graduate students (M. Sc. and PhD) at Bonn and Cologne. In addition, the BCGS Scholarship Program provides financial support and mentoring for M. Sc. students on a competitive basis.

The BCGS training program is characterized by the following principles:

Continued learning

We encourage students to broaden their scientific horizons, not only during the M. Sc. phase but also during PhD studies. To this end, the BCGS organizes advanced lecture courses on a broad range of topics, see Studying1.

Research early on

We aim to expose students to current research at an early stage of their careers. Already our first-year students are integrated into research groups through research internships1.

Interaction with fellow students and faculty

Our students are part of a community of young talented researchers and we want them to feel comfortable in that community. Introduction and networking events encourage ties between BCGS students and faculty. An example is the successful series of talks "Science Meets Business".

Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.
© Volker Lannert / Universität Bonn

M. Sc. Studies

The M. Sc. programs provide a thorough research-oriented scientific education. The aim is to equip students with advanced scientific tools and the experience to apply them with independence, responsibility, and reflection.

The two-year Master courses are modularly structured and comprises of lecture courses, lab courses and thesis work. The language of instruction is English.

Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.
© Frank Homann / Universität Bonn

PhD Studies

To begin PhD studies, an M. Sc. degree (or equivalent) is required, and candidates need to find a suitable supervisor and research project. During the M. Sc. phase there is ample opportunity for this (for instance through research internships).

It is also possible to go directly to PhD studies with an M. Sc. degree in physics or a related field taken outside the BCGS. Comparing the BCGS program with the Anglo-Saxon system, the coursework component of a PhD in the US or UK roughly corresponds to our Master program, the research component corresponds to our PhD. 

Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.
© bcgs

Scholarship Program and Financial Support

The BCGS offers a number of M. Sc. scholarships, available on a competitive basis. Interviews for M. Sc. scholarships in the framework of the BCGS Scholarship Program take place every year in spring.

Shortlisted candidates are invited to participate in the Admissions Acdemy.

General Student Information

On these pages you can find information on student life and external links you may need or find useful.




Förderungen eingeworben 




Avatar Isabela Fox

Bonn Office: Isabela Fox

2.011 & 2.012, HISKP

Nussallee 14-16

53115 Bonn

Avatar Dr. Petra Neubauer-Guenther

Cologne Office: Dr. Petra Neubauer-Guenther

203, I Physics Institute

Zülpicher Str. 77

50937 Köln

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